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so we're in a pandemic where several thousand Americans died because they couldn't afford health care, but now isn't the time to push M4A? When will be the right time, when we're all dead?

AOC campaigned on getting a vote to push M4A forward, it's why a lot of people like me donated to her and worked towards putting her in Congress. Since then, she's told us now that it's not the right time since she started calling Pelosi "Mama Bear."

Dems have been running on universal health care since Clinton in 1992, and no matter how much of a majority they have in the House and Senate, it's never able to move forward. That's not. a coincidence. Like they say, "it's not a bug, it's a feature."

It's long past time to recognize that the Dems promise of health care is like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown to kick every year. It's just. a come-on for votes for something they have no intention of pissing their donors off by passing.

After 30 years, it's time to wise up and recognize that the Dems are just playing the voters for fools, it's just a con game to keep giving them money and voting them in because "someday" they'll actually give us the kind of health care system that is common in the rest of the developed world. Well, I hate to break it to you, but "someday" is never going to come.

The only way we're actually going to get an actual universal health care system like the rest of the world is to start voting like the countries that already have it. There the Dems would be considered a right-wing regressive party that would have long ago lost to a real progressive left-wing political organization.

Continuing to support a duopoly that is owned and operated by the oligarchy is just keeping the voters in this country frustrated because their representatives refuse to vote in polices that we the people really want.

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